Monday, February 27, 2017

Marveling at Motherhood

My cousin posed a question on social media the other night, under a picture of her littlest one, wondering if she's the only parent who looks at her children in complete adoration, just thrilled by them, and amazed that she made them.

Her post made me smile so much, and my heart just swelled right up.  It feels as though we--society, parents--are often inundated by media displays portraying parenthood as some sort of burden to be carried.  Kids are a hassle, man.  I love seeing the good I-love-my-kids posts like hers that are genuine and meaningful.

Yes, parenthood is difficult.  Good grief, if I had a penny for every time I said that, I could probably put my boys through college debt-free!

But when I look at my kids, I look at them with complete adoration.  I am thrilled with them, and by them, even on the tough days.  And I am amazed that God, Shawn and I were able to make them.

When Shawn and I have to take shifts to sleep because one, or all of them, are sick, I'm amazed they are mine.  When we have to take turns eating at a restaurant, one of us standing to eat, or chasing the smallest one while the other one eats--I'm amazed I get to be their mom.  When one cries out, needing snuggles in bed, and another one wants rocking before bed, and my oldest clings to my shirt tail while stepping one foot out the door--I am so very incredibly grateful I get to be their mom.  When they just want to sit with me, when my youngest is singing his favorite words, when my kids are just happy and we're all laughing, and even through through the tough times, I'm thrilled.  I'm ecstatic.

This is what I wanted.

And I'm grateful.

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