Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Calming Tea and Escalators

Avery had an appointment in the 'city' early yesterday morning, so I did something I seldom do... I declared a day of hooky.

Then I did something I never do.... We took off for the two story mall...  Without. The. Stroller.

I started out like this.
Oh, the littles were so excited!  And yes, it was fun--it really was.  We rode the escalator countless times--until Avery declared his fear conquered and himself a pro--but first we had to watch it and study it, because that's what we Furrs do.  We watched the timing of the steps, how people stepped on and off, if people walked up and down while they were on the moving steps, how they held the handrail.  Then, we were ready.  Oh, wait, not quite yet... Okay, yes!  And... We're off! I mean, on!  And twenty minutes later, we were escalator riding pros!  And we had to ride every single one we saw after that!  

We also rode all the open elevators.  Perhaps just as many times as we rode the escalators! It was fun to watch their little faces, watching the scenery as we rode up and down, their faces and hands glued to the open glass.

One thing I know we did more than both of those things combined was chase Ezra.  My goodness, that child can take off like a shot and RUN.  He did very well holding my hand, but really, who wants to be tied down all the time?  A few times I allowed him to roam free, and then he took liberties, of course, because he's two and that's what two year olds do.

I can't imagine what I must've looked like by the time we reached the final stores (like an idiot I tried to actually accomplish a little shopping).  I'm sure I was frazzled, and it's even possible my head was spinning (but I promise I was still having fun!)!  In the last store, the very nice clerk offered me a cup of tea to enjoy while I shopped.  "Would you like a cup of chamomile tea?  It's a lovely calming tea."  She seemed to really emphasize that it was lovely and calming, with a sympathetic hand on my shoulder.  Was it my children running circles around me?  My hair standing on end?  My exhausted face?  WHY DID I LOOK LIKE I NEED A CUP OF CALMING TEA??????

I ended the day like this.
Maybe just take the tea.  And the stroller. 

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