Monday, May 22, 2017

The Unsung Hero: The School Bus Driver

I put Avery on the school bus this year.  It was one of the most difficult decisions I've made as a mom, but between Ezra's naps and my health, standing in the pick up line at school was becoming less and less of an option.  Allowing Avery to ride the bus was much to his childhood delight, and most definitely to my maternal fright.  That first morning, he was so excited, he was at the bus stop twenty minutes early.  My second grader looked so small waving to me from that school bus window.

Before I made my decision, I stalked followed the bus around its route to watch the driver and her driving habits.  Was she worthy of my trust?  I prayed and prayed and prayed. We prayed at my mom's group.  I sent out prayer requests to friends and others I knew would pray with me.  I asked God for a driver who would care for my child the same way I do.  I asked God for a driver who would drive with the same care, caution and attention I drive with, with my children on board.  I asked God for a nice person with a sunny personality, a happy person who likes young children and knows what to expect from them, and knows they can change with the weather, with the holidays, and just day to day.

God answered those prayers, and more, with our beloved Miss Dottie.  One day I forgot it was an early dismissal, and was out running errands when she dropped Avery at home; she called the school from the bus, who then called me--and I couldn't have been more grateful, as I had planned to be out for at least another hour!  She smiles every time we see her.  She waves to Ezra, who LOVES that big yellow school bus!  She's cautious and careful.  She's taught the children how to wait for her to stop, how to board the bus, how to disembark and cross in from of her so she can see them.  Last month, with a bad storm approaching, she instructed the children on what to do so she could them all home quickly, safely and carefully before it hit (and they listened!).  She knows they get louder the higher the temperatures get and the closer the holidays get (no kidding, recently I heard the children over the diesel engine when she was still several stops away).

What I hope Miss Dottie knows the most though, is just how grateful we are for her, and how much she's blessed us (I may or may not have called the transportation department already to make sure we'll still have her next year).   Not only has she given my legs a break from standing in the pick up line, and given Ezra the chance for nice, long 2-3 hours naps, but most importantly, she has relieved my anxieties and fears.  I know Avery is safe, and I know he's happy with his neighborhood friends.

As the end of the school year approaches, everyone remembers to thank the teachers, the principals, the school nurses and the administration.  Please remember to thank your school bus driver, too!  Quite possibly, they have the most important job, getting our little ones (and big ones!), to and from school safely every day.

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