Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Sanctity of Life

Seventeen years ago around this time, Shawn and I were preparing for a wedding we hadn't been planning on, because we found out we were expecting a child we hadn't been planning on, at least, not at that point in time.  Both of those life events were part of our 5-10 year plan, not something we were expecting at 23 years old.  We were poor, had no long-term plans or savings or well-earning jobs (and we were slightly stupid).

At 23, we were really weren't much older, and I won't even waiver at our maturity level, than Maddi Runkles is now at 18.

If you haven't heard, Maddi Runkles is the teenager making headlines because her Christian school won't allow her to walk with her graduating class.  She has a 4.4 GPA and had a place of honor in student leadership.  She's never been a problem student.  So, why isn't she being allowed to walk as she graduates?

Maddi is pregnant.  And, as her school states, she is being punished for being immoral--even though she was already suspended for two days, and stripped of her student leadership.  The school maintains they are not punishing Maddi for being pregnant, but when we get right down to it, isn't that what's really going on?

As Maddi has stated herself, if she had killed her child through abortion, the school would be none the wiser, she would be forgiven by Christ for her sins, and she would be walking across that stage to receive her diploma.  As it stands, she's asked forgiveness for the sin of premarital sex (immorality), and as our Father promises, she has received His forgiveness.  Yet, the school refuses to grant her the same.

Folks, this young girl has bravely chosen life.  This is a black and white issue--the school wants to make it one because of the code of conduct she signed, stating she would not engage in immoral behavior. That's not the reason though.  The black and white issue is choosing life over death; yes, Maddi sinned in sex, but sinning further in abortion would not have solved this.   Maddi is choosing to raise her child with the help of her parents, and will continue her education through a very well known Christian university's online program.  This young lady is a world changer!  And yet--she's still being punished!  Let's just paint a gigantic scarlet letter on her!

I'm in fear for the Christian community, and quite frankly, the future of Christianity if we continue down this road.  This is most certainly NOT a part of Christianity I want to be a part of, and I'm embarrassed and ashamed.  Yes, I said it--embarrassed and ashamed by my fellow Christians for their behavior.  This is not what I want to be known for!  No wonder we are looked upon as a crowd of hypocrites!  My prayer is this school realizes just how wrong they are, and they can open they hearts and their minds to some wisdom and discernment.  My prayer is they will beg forgiveness.  In a time when Maddi needs support and love, she is being met with the harsh and unforgiving wills of those adults she was told she could trust.

In this one incident alone, what are we teaching our children, and the rest of the world about our beliefs?  God help us, what are we teaching any current, and future pregnant teen girls about the sanctity not only of their babies' lives, but of their lives?

Just like Maddi, Shawn and I chose life for our child--for Noah.  In our family, we stand for life.  In our family, we stand for Maddi, and we stand for the life of her precious child, and the lives of the many precious children to come.

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