Thursday, August 23, 2018

My Life as Translator

I saw this on an autism social media site: "The Maori word for autism is "Takiwatanga." It means "In his/her own time and space."" 

It made me think of a recent incident with Ezra; we were at an event where he became sensory overloaded, and actively sought out his own time and space.

My Sweet Little Trash Panda
We were in a large room, and he was overwhelmed by the noise, echoes, light, the storm outside, the space inside, and anything else I wasn't able to pinpoint.  He found the only place available--a closet/bin decoratively designed to hide a trash can--and hid in there.  I knew immediately what was going on, but was in a race against time to translate Ezra to the others in the room.

When Ezra did explained himself, he used his words (yay!), but poorly chosen ones.  We'll work on that.  

I was on my to intervening, to translating my child to the rest of the world.  He was not being naughty or getting into trouble by hiding.  He was not playing a game.  He just merely needed to be alone.  He was in a self-imposed time out.  The best way to handle it?  To leave him be.  To let him come out in his own time.

As I continue to translate my kids to the world, that's all they need:  To be left as themselves; they aren't getting into trouble.  They don't need your intervention.  They will come out in their own time.  They will find their own space.  They will grow at their own pace.

And that's okay.

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