Thursday, August 2, 2018

Yeahhhhhh, They're Kind of Memorable Like That

We went to the mall today.

As I walked into one store pushing one hooligan in front of me, the other two dragging their feet behind me, moaning and groaning, the young store clerk cheerily greeted me.

"It's so great to see you again!"

It's a big mall.  It's a huge city.  It's been months since I've been there.  There's no way she could possibly remember me.  I'm sure she says that to all of her customers.

Later, while I shopped, she remarked that it had been a while since I had been in.

Whaaatt?  She really did remember me.  Oh my gosh.  Well, it is quite possible her commissions from my sales have made her car payments, or perhaps a semester or two of school.  Perhaps that's why it was great to see me again?

While I paid, I told her I had to really give her credit for remembering me. That is excellent customer service!  I was truly impressed!

As my toddler scream-whined in his stroller, my 9 year old whined, and my teenager rolled his eyes in boredom, she commented that it was actually my kids, particularly my youngest, who really helped her remember.  She said it's been fun watching him grow, and she can't believe how big he's gotten.

The sweet girl was trying to cover up her blunder, and I felt awful for her.

I laughed.  I laughed hard--not at her or her blunder, but at my kids. It was all I could do.  I heard the customer behind me chuckle.  I caught the guy to my right try to cover up his laugh.  Fortunately, we all also had the salesclerk laughing with us, realizing she had not in the least insulted me.  I reassured her I understood what she meant.  I knew she meant well.  Because well, yeah, my kids are kind of memorable.  Whether we mean to or not, we wind up making an impression pretty much every where we go.  Whether that's good or bad, I haven't quite figured out yet, but yeah, we're all kinds of memorable.

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