Saturday, May 7, 2016


I have clinically diagnosed OCD.  There are times it's not very easy for me to let go of things because I want them done my way.  I like matching, I like order, I like straight--you get the idea.

Then Avery was born.  You know how God gives us our children with their very own unique personalities to teach us lessons?  One of the things Avery is teaching me is to let go of my OCD extremes, embrace individual personalities, and learn to just BE.  With our personality types, it's very easy for us toe clash, so I'm finding it's often easier to just let go of things, and in that, I'm allowing him to be his own person.  I'm teaching him to embrace himself as God designed him.

This is Avery every day.  I buy matching outfits for him; in the store, we choose his clothes together (he is my clotheshorse) and talk about what goes with what.  Then, he gets dressed, and this happens.  And I let it go.  Why?  Because this is who he is, and he thinks he looks great.  Who am I to tell him any differently?  He's proud of himself, pleased with his look, and he feels good.  Maybe someday he'll work on matching, maybe he won't--and I'm okay with that.

I told him this morning that he needs to dress nicely because we have a special event today.... And this is how he came out of his room.  I'm good with it, because he's proud of himself.  He's happy, so I'm happy.  This is honestly one of the things I love about him the most--that he thinks he looks good, and doesn't care about conforming to societal standards of matching and coordinating.  I love that he just is who he is, mismatched plaid, Star Wars sock, and all.

This is me, embracing and encouraging individuality.

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