Sunday, May 22, 2016


My children were THRILLED to hear I'm taking an apologetics class this term....

"It's really good you're learning how to apologize better, Mom."
"Actually Avery, she's really pretty good at apologizing.  But I guess it never hurts to learn how to do something better."

Yes, that's exactly how the conversation went.  And, true to Furr form, it went downhill from there.  Smacking myself in the forehead, realizing my failings as a Christian mom--as their Christian mom--I set out to properly explain just what apologetics is.  Needless to say, they were a bit disappointed I'm not learning how to apologize better, and they're not necessarily eager to be part of my education in defending our faith ("We're not signed up for this class.  Why do WE have to learn it too?"  "Because.  I.  Said.  You.  Need.  This.").

Yes, we need this.  Not just me, myself and I, but as a family, we need this particular class.  And I'm excited about it.  One thing I'm sure you've picked up on is my passion for Jesus.  I'm passionate about my faith, passionate about my beliefs, passionate about miracles...  Passionate to the point of pushy at times.  Wait, what?

It's quite possible I've already alienated several classmates... When asked why they believe what they do, they answered "because I was raised in the church."  Okaaaaayyyy, that's great and all...  But WHY????  I challenged them--what have you seen that makes you believe?  This is what I want my own children to be able to answer.  I don't want them to merely follow in my footsteps.  I want them to know WHY they believe what they do.  I want them to be able to speak out comfortably about what they've seen, so speak with confidence about their beliefs, about miracles, about their faith, about their Father.  I want my children to believe because they believe, not because their parents believe.

We are making a family missions trip this summer.  I'm excited about it, but I know it will challenge our faith.  I know we have to prepare ourselves, hearts, souls, and minds, for what we might be up against.  We must be prepared with our testimonies, we must be prepared to give our answers for what we believe.  This is where this class comes in.  Not just for me, but for all of us.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
1 Peter 3:15

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