Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Let this be a lesson to you.... Procrastination gets you NOWHERE!!!

I had a paper due last night.  I had a week to get it finished.  A research paper... Not something you can rush.  It doesn't work that way.  But I put it off to spend time with the boys.  We had places to go, people to see, things to do.  My biggest goal with online college is that it doesn't impede on my life as a mom.  I don't ever want my boys to think that my schoolwork comes before them.  That's easier said than done, especially during the summer with them home.  However, I'm also trying to teach them the importance of school, leading by example.

So there I was yesterday morning, explaining to my children that I had put off a very important research paper.  I needed their help with Ezra.  I needed their help with household chores.  I needed them to give me time and Just.  Please.  Go.  Away.

It doesn't really work that way, though does it?

I got really really angry grumpy with my kids.  I got frustrated.  I had to call Shawn to come home early so he could take over.  I finally finished my paper, but I had a lot of apologizing to do when I was back on Planet Mom.

Sometimes balancing the many hats we wear is really hard.  It's a job in itself keeping track of them.  I place my student hat on my head, telling my children that I MUST get this done, go play, Ezra is napping... Mommy has schoolwork to do!

And the world falls apart.  Avery has a meltdown because he can't find just the right thing he needs, Noah wants the electronics even though chores haven't been done, the baby changes his mind about napping.... In short, my kids need me.

Life doesn't go according to plan.  It never does.  There's a funny proverb:  "Man plans, God laughs." Sometimes I feel as though that's the main message of my life.  I do a lot of planning.  A LOT.  Then God laughs.  A LOT.

I wish I could say I learned my lesson about procrastination, but here I am, blogging instead of working on this week's lessons.  Sigh.

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