Sunday, June 19, 2016

An Ode to My Husband on Father's Day

This man.

I couldn't ask for more.  He's given me three amazing boys.  He showers me with love and affection.  He downright spoils me. He knows my every flaw, and yet he loves me anyway.  He has carried me when I couldn't go on--when I didn't want to go on.  He has believed in me when I could not believe in myself.  He has sheltered me. He has saved my life, emotionally and spiritually.  He makes me laugh and reminds to live life lightly.  He is my hero, my defender, my confidante, my soul mate, my partner in crime, my provider.  He is my best friend.  He completes me.

Our boys could not ask for more.  He is their daddy, their warrior, their friend, their playmate, their trouble making partner in crime, their provider.  He will fight to the ends of the earth for them, and continue further. He loves these boys, he adores them.  He needs them possibly more than they need him.  He is their hero and their defender.  He loves them with a ferocity only a dad can feel for his children.

Every day, I find new reasons to be grateful for Shawn.  Whether it's having to fight traffic to get to a doctor's appointment in the city, and realizing he does this every single day in order to provide for us, or finding a note he left for me, or when he comes back up the driveway to say goodbye just one more time before leaving for work--we know we are loved by him.

I can't 'do' life without Shawn.  I can't imagine life any other way.  I don't want to ever have to live it any other way.  I wouldn't want to raise my children with anyone else.  I'm so glad I get to call Shawn my husband, and grateful our children call him Daddy.

Happy Father's Day, my love.

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