Monday, June 13, 2016

Written by Noah

Recently, Noah was asked to write an article for the upcoming September newsletter for the grief center I volunteer with.  He asked what he should write about, and my mom-answer was, "Pray about it."  After some thought, he sat down to type, then wrote this in less than fifteen minutes.  I have to tell you, I read this through tears, and I'm just blown away.  What an amazing young man I've been given!  Enjoy....
*Printed with permission*

Don't Give Up
           "What has the Lord done in my life? Well the funny thing is, that’s the easy question! The Lord has done a lot for me and for that I am thankful. The harder question is:  Where do I start? I guess I start at the beginning. On January 24, 2001 the Lord brought me into this world, and this will sound cliche, but He gave me the two best parents a child could have. And that in itself is a blessing. Sure, they aren’t perfect, but who is? The thing that matters is that they were perfect for the job. Although as I grew older I started to feel lonely. My dad worked full time and my mother had fibromyalgia and was in constant pain. So like any young child I wanted a younger sibling, someone to play with. The problem that my 7 or 8 year old mind couldn’t understand is that wasn’t possible. At least that’s what the doctors said. At the same time I was diagnosed with Aspergers, ADHD, and depression and anxiety. Sometimes it was like we were fighting a never-ending battle. But we held firm in our faith. My mom was volunteering with Spiritual Care Support Ministries at the time and on Thursday mornings we would visit and eat breakfast. Which, by the way, my mom makes THE best quiche! But now I’m getting off-track... It seemed that God put just the right people in my life. And on June 15, 2009 a miracle happened.  My little brother, Dennis Avery Owen was born. I got the little brother I always wanted! As I grew older the Devil kept throwing problems at us, but needless to say, problems can be solved. I eventually came to embrace my diagnosis as a gift using it to the best of my advantage. Using it to show that NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is impossible through Christ. As time carried on my family wanted another child, but doctors again said that would never happen. The devil is just stubborn isn’t he? But God is more stubborn. On April 15, 2015 Jonathan Ezra Aaron was born into world. God Just loves proving the Devil wrong doesn’t he? So my piece of advice? If you or your family is under attack, hold on to that sliver of hope. Don’t ever let it go. Because God will come through. Or maybe you see yourself and ask yourself you could ever possibly help anyone. Well the one thing that I've learned is that your misgivings are most often your gifts. So hold on to that hope and stay faithful."


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Noah is gifted with an ability to express himself! So fabulous.


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