Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Lucky Number Seven

Bag Troll
Avery is seven today.  7.  SEVEN.  Seven years old.

A little less than eight years ago, we learned a miracle was on his way.  A precious baby the doctors told us wasn't possible.  It was a pretty big deal to us, unbelievable, amazing and just astounding.  Shawn and I stood in absolute awe, staring at that incredible word, "pregnant," on the pregnancy test, asking each other, "Are you SURE?" We cried in absolute amazement and unabashed joy at the first sonogram, our first look at our second little boy.  He still didn't feel real to us--Was this really happening after so many years of prayer?--but he certainly was VERY.  REAL.  So many people helped us pray Avery into existence, and rejoiced with us when we made the announcement.  Here he is!  Finally.

It was so scary too.  We'd miscarried, we'd had month after month of negative pregnancy tests and we'd given up.  We went from disbelief, to fear, to treating me as if my body were wrapped in bubble wrap, to hope and awe, to trusting God that He gave us this child, He would make sure everything would be okay.  We had bed rest when I had severe contractions at 12 weeks, bed rest again when my BP shot up halfway through my pregnancy, and bed rest again at the end.  We had fear when he arrived early and things went completely crazy and scary during his birth.  And in the end, God delivered on his promises: Avery was just fine, just perfect, and safely here.

I know there are still people who don't believe in miracles. I know there are people who don't believe in God.  Here in our home, we don't believe in anything less.  We know our God is capable, and we know He still performs miracles everyday. Avery tells me, "You prayed for a little boy named Avery, and God said, 'Here he is!' Then, when my liver was sick when I was born, God made me all better!"  My prayer is that my precious boy clings to these truths as he lives out God's will for him.  My prayer is that he will always follow God's path, and cling to that righteousness.

We do struggle with Avery, but that's not what this post is about.  Truthfully, he struggles with us just as much. There are times I just know being a kid is much harder than being a parent. This post is to celebrate Avery, his life, and his purpose. I've always believed God has big plans for Avery (for all my boys); otherwise, the way Avery 'happened' would be kind of pointless, don't you think?  I know our struggle to have him has made us more grateful for him, for his life, and for his ultimate purpose.  It gives us the strength to continue to pour into him, even when it's difficult.  God will turn all of this for His good.

Yesterday morning I was lamenting to Avery that he's turning into a big 7 year old, and whatever will I do with a 7 year old??  "The same things you do with me when I'm 6, Mom!"  Duh.  We counted freckles as we snuggled, and I named off the many things that make him special, that make him Avery, that I just adore and love about him.  Freckles, giggles, hearty-old-man-laughter, his names, his story, his beautiful heart, the way his face crinkles when he smiles and laughs, his sly nature when he thinks he's doing something he shouldn't but it's actually funny, the way he loves Max and his brothers, and his snuggles.  I love that, in the middle of the night, he knows my bed, tucked between myself and Shawn, is his safe haven when he's scared, lonely, had a bad dream, or just can't get back to sleep. I love his love for his lovies, and the way his favorite thing to do for new babies is to choose a special lovey.  I love it when he tucks himself into the Mommy Cubby, and when he wants to hear stories from his earlier years. I love his goofy sense of humor, his intense imagination, and how he has his own style and individuality.  I love it when he comes in for snuggles and lets me sniff his lucky ear (long story), and I love that ears have become our family love language because of him.  I love that he makes so many other people laugh and smile, even people we've never met.  I love it when Avery comes out with completely random, yet totally profound thoughts. Yes, I even love his opinionated, independent, strong willed stubborn streak that makes me question my parenting abilities.  In my heart, I know that will be his strength as he matures and grows.  As I nurture that part of his personality, that will be what God uses for His purpose.  I never want my children to think my love for them is merit based--I love them simply because they are my children and my gifts--but I do want them to know the things I love about them. Do you see the difference?  The love for a child is sacred, just as God's love for us is.

Avery has taught me about God's timing.  Long before his life even began, he was teaching me about patience and God's timing.  To this day, he's still teaching me about those.  Avery teaches me about getting out of my comfort zone and loosening up. I've had to conquer some of my fears and anxieties to help him do the same with his (like taking a flying jump off a trampoline into a foam pit below!). He teaches me to just let go.  He teaches me that not everything has to be done my way, and as long it's done, it doesn't matter how it gets done--my way isn't always best! Avery has taught me that as long as you feel good, know you look good, and like what you're wearing, your clothes don't really have to match! Avery is my little clotheshorse! He teaches me about fervent prayer and patience as a mom; there are also many lessons about hope, and so very many more about granting grace and mercy. He reminds me daily to be the mom to him who he needs, in the way God is my Father to me who I need.  Avery has taught me that, even within the same family, each child needs a different type of parent.  I think Avery has been my real, true lesson about my children being God's children first and foremost, too.  With Noah, I knew it, but I didn't really understand it.  I didn't grasp the concept completely.  I know that my children are for me to give back to the world, to raise to do well, to raise as servants of Christ, His hands and feet.  With Avery, came true gratitude for my children, for the gifts and blessings they are, and are yet to be.

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him."
1 Samuel 1:27

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