Thursday, January 27, 2011

There's No Parties in Their Tummies

My husband brought his coffee cup to me this morning and told me something was missing.  It looked full to the brim to me.  Smelled delicious too!  When I greeted Noah at the door with his hot chocolate after he came in from playing in the snow, he informed me that it was naked.  Yes, his hot chocolate was naked.  My family has been baffling me all morning.  Shawn's coffee had coffee grounds, water and half and half.  Noah's hot chocolate had milk and chocolate.  Still, they claimed something was missing.  My own lightbulb went off when Shawn handed me the whipping cream and sugar with an ear to ear grin on his face.  OH!  They wanted whipped cream for their hot drinks!  

After I made it, I tried to lick the beater myself.  No such luck.  Avery caught me red-tongued and demanded his treat.  Alright, you win!

Yes, I've done it.  I've spoiled my family.  Whoops, gotta run.  Shawn says we're out of rosemary-olive oil bread.

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