Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Maternal Instinct: Don't Knock It!

Avery woke up sick this morning.  Unfortunately, no one (*ahem* Shawn) agreed with me.  Avery was burning hot, but not registering a fever.  I'd gotten up with him several times in the night when he called for me and I'd heard him coughing throughout the night.  Avery just wasn't acting like himself, either:  He wasn't busy destroying the house and telling me to get my butt in the air (thank you Tony Horton and P90X); instead, he was unusually agreeable and snuggly.  He was refusing to eat or drink and wasn't fighting me on any part of our morning schedule.  Something was wrong with my baby! 

Unfortunately, the only doctor on call at our pediatrician's office is the one I can't stand.  I've seriously taken my kids to the ER and Urgent Care before to avoid this woman.  The earliest appointment I could get with a different doctor was tomorrow afternoon.  I was still questioning my judgement of how sick he was. I've taken both of my kids in before, swearing up and down they were sick, only to be told they were just fine.

I watched Avery become more and more lethargic.  Then he didn't just ask for his nap, he asked for it an hour and a half early.  Then he napped for an unheard of four hours.  Yes, something was definitely wrong with my baby!

I finally made the decision to go to the Urgent Care center, only to discover they no longer accept our insurance.  From there we went to an on-call facility, where a very kind nurse took one look at my two year old draped across my shoulder and worked her magic to fit us in.

Forty-five minutes later, we finally had a verdict:  STREP.   

I hate it when I'm right.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you listened to your mother's instinct! We've discovered many a nasty colds, and even pneumonia, because Mom "had a feeling" something was wrong with a little one. Glad you trusted your feelings. Here's to getting better fast!! Jodi


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