Monday, July 25, 2011

Watching Noah Grow Up....

Noah and Shawn just returned from their second summer away at Boy Scout Camp.  After the way things went last year, my dear husband honestly was looking for a way out of his chaperoning duties this year.  He loves to camp--he could even live outside quite easily for the rest of his life--but he wasn't too sure about everything else involved in the week.  Only three boys attended from our tiny pack this year, but with the dynamics of those three boys (Noah included), it might as well have been a classroom full of preschoolers.

Fortunately, every update I received about Noah was about how mature he was acting, how well-behaved he was, how responsible he was and how agreeable he was.  Shawn complimented our son on his positive attitude, his willingness to get along, and his understanding of teamwork.   Even better, Noah passed his swimming test with flying colors, finally earning his Aquanaut pin!  This was huge, simply because Noah refused to even get in the water last year. The first email I received from Shawn made me think twice:  Was this really the same child I'd sent off into the wild blue yonder?!

Noah also updated his haircut while he was at camp (he's now sporting a very stylish mohawk, which is apparently some sort of ritual at BSA camp; he's finally found an advantage to homeschooling:  No dress code!) and found a new "necktie" out in the wild....

I'm so proud of Noah and his camp accomplishments.  He was given more freedom and the chance to make his own choices this year.  Shawn said he seldom questioned Noah's judgement and did his best to allow Noah the freedom the program was giving the boys this year.  Noah is now just one pin away from earning his Arrow of Light, along with several other big accomplishments on his horizon.  Before we know it, we'll be "troop-shopping" as he graduates from Cub Scouts!

We have also finally, officially tied up the loose ends of fourth grade for Noah.  He passed his standardized test with a 92, which put him above average for his grade level.  He also passed his entrance exams for Liberty University Online Academy (the online homeschooling program we'll be using this year) with flying colors, receiving scores that his guidance counselor suggested they don't normally see.  Noah is rather proud of his accomplishments, as are Shawn and I!  And I suppose it's proof I really can teach fourth grade after all....  We've chosen LUOA for fifth grade (and if all goes well, the rest of his years also) because I think it will give us both the structure and accountability we need in the homeschooling world.  I have to say, we're also fortunate with the two new families who have moved into our little court:  One mom has homeschooled her youngest child from the beginning and the other gentleman happens to be a fifth grade teacher!  I'm not going to be shy about asking for help from either one of them, should the need arise!  God has been busy working His own little miracles here in our neighborhood....   I'm excited about all the new opportunities Noah will have and how the world just seems to be opening up to him.  He's a bright kid, usually a good kid (they all have their moments....) and he's doing very well.

I'm still not sure I'm comfortable with the dose of Paxil he's on.  Some days it seems to work, other days it doesn't seem to have any effect at all.  I'm trying very hard to distinguish between his learned behaviors (the ones we've allowed) and the behaviors the Paxil should be helping with.  I would still also like to see him try a non-stimulant for school work, just to see if it helps him with his concentration and other problem areas during the day.

I'm incredibly proud of Noah and his many achievements over the past six months.  It's been a wild, bumpy ride, but he's proven he's up to the challenge.  He's genuinely trying harder and making great efforts with everything he puts his mind to.  There are days he drives me nuts and I wonder how parents with more autism in their lives handle it, but his recent maturity has given me more hope than I had before.  We're going to survive this:  Asperger's, homeschooling and anything else thrown our way.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Way to go, Noah! Looks like camp was a great experience! My Trenden loved BSA camp, too, and came back a bit more mature, and definitely more tan. :) So glad he did so well.


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