Monday, July 4, 2011

Rules of Life According to the Furrs

Sometimes I just have to laugh at life (otherwise I'd be a puddle on the floor), so I came up with these rules to remind myself to laugh a little more often.

1.  Never pass up the chance to play in a puddle.

2.  Bloom where you are planted.  
I kill this plant every summer.  Shawn bought it for me four years ago and inevitably, I forget to water it.  I also forget to plant it.  Noah or I find it at the beginning of every spring yelling, "I WANT TO LIIIIIIVE!" wherever we tossed it aside at the end of the previous summer.  

3.  Never pass up a back massage. 

4.  Always find a soft, comfy and safe place to lay your head.

5.  Just because it looks greener (quieter, more fun, cleaner, less cluttered, child-less....) on the other side (outside), doesn't mean it's better.     

6.  Always take the time for a nice, hot, relaxing bubble bath to ease your worn out body.

7.  Walk softly (or loudly, depending on your preference) and carry a big stick.

8.  Accessorize always.  That's a "must" no matter who you are.

9.  Enjoy your food.

10.  Take the time to be chauffeured.

11.  Fight for a cause.

12.  Always use the Buddy System.

13.  Love well, love much and love often.

14.  Believe in God and believe in yourself.

15.  Make friends no matter where you go.

16.  Play with your children and pets.  If you can combine the two activities, it helps save time for other things (like cleaning, cooking, paying bills, writing your blog....).

17.  Respect your elders and remember where you came from.

18.  Take the time to appreciate God's beauty.

19.  Do your schoolwork.  It makes you smarter.

20.  Prioritize.  

21.  Remember to laugh.

22.  Remind your husband that next time he complains about the state of the house, he's welcome to clean it himself.

23.  Be loyal.

24.  Teach your children well.  

And last, but certainly not least...

25.  Never, ever apologize for who you are (or who your children are).  Learn to roll with it.
As in, when your son loudly announces in the middle of a restaurant that his penis is stuck to his leg, then proceeds to stick his hand down his pants to adjust himself, roll your eyes to the rest of the customers and say, "Asperger's!  What are you going to do?!"
(Aren't you glad there isn't a picture accompanying this one?!)

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"  --Hunter S. Thompson


  1. Love this post Amy! 2 things...the big stick is a boy thing and so is the adjusting in public :)

  2. Very cute! Of course I'm partial to the chauffeured one : ) Justin is an excellent chauffeur and Noah is learning to be a great "driver"!


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