Friday, July 8, 2011

"There's Poop in There"

There are many joys to raising a two year old.  The beginning stages of potty training are just one of them!

Avery has added two new phrases to his ever-growing vocabulary--"There's poop in there," and "Let me check."  There are times, as a parent, you know really shouldn't laugh at your child's antics, but you also really can't help yourself.  Laughing is only part of it.  I'm also proud of him.  He's actually learning when he has a messy diaper and identifying that he doesn't like it, which is good, in the grand scheme of things (how soon can we stop buying diapers????).  What he's also showing are new parts to his personality--a deadpan, sarcastic personality.  It's fun to watch him grow, but there are times I'm not sure this is the direction I want him to take, especially at such a young age!

It started a few days before his two year well check.  I smelled something amiss, told him he needed a clean diaper and took his hand to lead him back to his room for a diaper change.  He proudly announced, "There's poop in there, Mommy!"  Okay, so it was funny the first couple times.  The next time I smelled something yucky, I asked him if there was poop in there.  He pulled his pants and diaper away from his belly and said, "Let me check."  Oh my gosh.

A few days later, we were at his well check.  Again, let me state that we are blessed with a pediatrician with a wonderful sense of humor.  She thought she'd seen it all and heard it all--until she met my boys.  She was going through the routine exam, talking to Avery the whole time (remember, this is the child who let out the uh, long-winded "exclamation" at his last well check while she sat back and asked if he was finished yet....).  She got to the diaper check and asked if she could look in his diaper.  Completely dead-pan, my son gave her The Eyebrows and announced, "There's poop in there," (there wasn't), as if to say, "Enter at your own risk, lady."  Thankfully, our doctor burst into laughter and almost had difficulty finishing the exam because she kept breaking into giggles.

Now, whenever someone has gas, if his diaper is full, or if he barges in on some poor, unsuspecting soul in the bathroom--and sometimes even just for the heck of it--he announces, "There's poop in there."  Never excitedly, always matter-of-factly.

So, I have to ask.....  is there poop in there?  Let me check.....       

1 comment:

  1. That is fantastic! It means he is absolutely getting ready for the big potty training transition. Congrats! And I think we all think it is funny, time after time! :)


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