Monday, March 16, 2015

Parenthood Makes Me Stupid

I had a parenting moment today that made me question my sanity.  Seriously, I looked over my shoulder because I was certain I heard Ozzy Osbourne cackling and yelling "ALLLL ABOARD!"  I just wanted to be sure that was only in my head, and not really him standing behind me.  For the record, it was just the voices in my head....

The boys were outside playing when I heard Avery screaming some very not nice things.  He was calling someone stupid, telling the person they were dumb, and hurling other assorted insults.  I waited a few minutes for Noah to start yelling back, and when he didn't, I went outside to investigate.  Avery was yelling at his 'students.'  He was pretending to be a teacher, and, as he put it, his students were just stupid. I reprimanded him, saying no teacher speaks to his students that way; his teacher certainly doesn't speak to him that way, Shawn and I certainly don't speak to him like that.  It is unacceptable to speak to anyone in such ways.

Then I said it.  I heard the words as they were exiting my mouth, and could not stop them.

"Apologize to your students, now."

And I got the she's lost her mind look.  "Mom, they aren't real, you know."

Ohhhh boy.  "Yes, I know.  But, real or not, we do not speak to people that way.  Apologize NOW."

He did.  While eyeing me to be sure I didn't sprout wings and shoot fire out of my eyeballs, Avery apologized to his imaginary students.

Moral of the story: Don't be a jerk to anyone, even if they're imaginary.

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