Saturday, March 28, 2015

Being a Praying Mom

Nothing makes a Christian parent a more fervent prayer warrior than our children.  I don't know how I would raise my children without God to turn to, without being able to turn to prayer, without having friends who will back up those prayers with prayers of their own.  There is such hope and comfort in all of that.  I cannot do this without God.  One of the points our pastor makes is that God hears the prayers of a parent over the prayers of anyone else praying over that child.  There is power in those words.

I've always prayed over my children's hearts, but it's always been in the abstract.  "Lord, create in them clean, pure hearts," "Give them hearts for You, make them dangerous for You," "Give them servants' hearts, Lord."  You get the idea.  Having a strong, loving heart is part of being a Christian.

The past three weeks have changed that in a mighty way.  I have begged God to heal my child's heart.   I have prayed God will make my child's heart strong in an entirely different way.  I have prayed for the physical, rather than the abstract.  I have prayed fervently, I have prayed constantly.  I have begged, pleaded and bargained.  Just make my child better, PLEASE.

God heard my prayers, and the prayers of others.  And I am truly overwhelmed.

Baby E and I had our follow up echocardiogram yesterday morning.  We received amazing news!  While E's heart is still skipping, it is not persistent or consistent like it was before.  At our first appointment, he had an every-three-beats skip.  Yesterday, it was every 10-12 beats, but it wasn't nearly as consistent or noticeable.  The doctor does think he has PACs as opposed to the originally thought PVCs (upper chambers vs. lower), but there still aren't any answers or reasons for it.  He will still need an EKG before being discharged from the hospital, and as long as they don't find a reason to keep him, we will see our cardiologist for a follow up EKG and another echo.  We will go from there, based on the findings then.

Expect miracles.  God hears you.

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