Friday, March 13, 2015

Third Trimester Strikes Back

Raise your hand if the word NEUROTIC is written in big, bold, bright red letters at the top of your OB chart!!!

*raises hand*

Pretty sure my doctors are ready to vote me Most Neurotic Patient in their office...  And really, they're wondering why, this is my third child, right?  I'm not exactly new at this.

Ugh.  I've slowed down big time.  If you've seen Big Hero 6, you understand the joke behind my children calling me Baymax, and walking behind me saying "I am not fast." Stinkers.  They're lucky they're cute!  But really--this mama is TIRED.  My people are subsisting on frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets.  *gasp*  I'm quite certain the leg cramps and reflux are going to kill me....  I've promised that if E arrives on May 4th (May the Fourth be with you....) and is as hairy as the wives' tales say he will be according to my heartburn and reflux, I'm changing his name to Chewbacca.  At least the nausea and vomiting have finally subsided...  Then there's the insomnia.  Oh, and did I mention they suspect a broken tailbone and torn ligaments?  Yup.  Please don't ask me how I managed that one, because I don't even know!  Avery's biggest concern (besides his baby brother having enough toys) is my belly button--will I need a new one like he did?

I have to joke because otherwise I would be a puddle.  Baby E gave us a good scare last week, and while I'm positive my doctor was not nearly as worried as I was, he did his best to pat me on the head before he sent me on my way, declaring it all acceptable.  E had been way too quiet for about two days, and I have been having regular contractions.  He's an incredibly active baby, so the quiet scared me.  Hooked up to monitors, watching the contractions as they came across the printout, listening to his heartbeat as it would slow suddenly and then actually stop (something my doctor referred to as an 'anomaly'), I prayed.  I talked with Shawn, I talked with my best friends, and we all prayed.  Both friends were ready to jump into action should I be sent on to the hospital, and all of us willed this little boy to stay where he belongs until it's time.  In the end, my doctor declared my uterus "extremely irritable" and said there was definite activity, but sent me home to rest, with instructions to head to the hospital if they increased or changed in nature.  A quick internal exam was done to put me further at ease, and all was declared within acceptable limits.  So home I went...  To rest.... And to continue panicking and praying.

Fortunately, E started to move a little more, and finally, at 3 am, woke up me up for his full playtime activities.  Whew.  He carried on the entire rest of the day, making up for lost time, I'm sure.  And yes, I cried with relief.

No more scares since then, thank goodness. Contractions are still a daily thing, but that just seems to be par for the course, as long as they don't become serious. That's not to say they aren't obnoxious and painful...  I'm trying to take it easier, with 8 weeks left on the calendar, we want to make it as close to that as possible.  I'm not sure we'll make it, but 6 weeks are better than 3 or 4.

Think about it though, when you've prayed for so long for something, and you finally receive it, you're going to take care of it, right?  You might panic a little when you think something is off.  You might worry a little more than usual.  My doctors can call me neurotic, but I'm going with protective.

Even with all of that, I will honestly tell you nothing about this pregnancy has been horrible.  I continue to be grateful for this experience, and I'm reveling it.  I am cherishing these moments.  If I could be pregnant just a little bit longer...  I love this little boy.  I know his habits and his movements.  I celebrate a foot in the ribs, a backflip and a good old-fashioned head-butt.  There's the way he seems to tickle my belly button from the inside, and the time I saw a leg pressed up against my abdomen, clear as day.  I know he's going to get the hiccups each time I eat.  I love the way Avery settles his hands on my belly, greeting his brother with a kiss before he talks to me.  I love when Noah wants to snuggle in, trying to catch some movement, and when Shawn settles his head on my belly at night for a boxing match with our youngest.  E already knows our voices, and he is so loved.  I'm so grateful for him, and for this opportunity.  I realize there are women out there who would sell their souls for this chance I have, and it's something I have not taken for granted.  I begged, prayed, pleaded, bargained, and came close to selling my own soul for this child, so I will continue to take this all in stride, and just be happy.  I wouldn't change this for anything.

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