Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Good News to Report

Finally, something exciting and good to fill my blog with!  :)

We were sitting around the kitchen table on Sunday afternoon with a friend and her sons while Shawn grilled dinner when the phone rang.  Caller ID said it was a Baltimore, MD number.  Huh?  I asked Shawn if it could've been one of his co-workers.  He said he didn't think so, so I answered the phone (Shawn is on the phone so much at work that he avoids it at all costs at home).

"Hello, this is the Myositis Clinic at Johns Hopkins.  May I speak to Amy Furr?"  What?!

The woman on the other end was a patient care coordinator, calling to make an appointment for me!  After reviewing everything my rheumatologist and neurologist had sent in, they decided to see me!  Woo Hoo!

My appointment to see the doctor is in October, but I need to have numerous tests, including another muscle biopsy, before then.  I am waiting to hear when those are scheduled.

I can't tell you what a relief this is for me and my family.  Just being able to get an appointment is a huge answer to prayers for certain.  Knowing that if the Mysositis Clinic doesn't find what they are looking for, they will refer me to their rheumatology and/or neurology department(s) is another huge relief: I won't be left swinging in the wind and either way, hopefully someone will be able to give me some

Since receiving this news, several friends have had a good laugh at my "expense:"  I'm messed up and confusing enough to warrant a visit with the real specialists!

Thank you, Jesus!

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