Friday, September 2, 2011

House Guests

We had a house guest today--of the four-legged variety.  Bella has stayed with us before and once we all got used to each other, she made herself quite comfortable on Noah's bed for the duration of her stay.  She needed someone to stay with today, so her mom made use of Noah's new pet care service ("Man's Best Friends Pet Care").  We went over and picked Bella up, then brought her back to our house for a playdate with Gretta and the boys.

Avery and I went off to do errands of our own while Noah and Shawn stayed home with the dogs.  When we got home, I found her resting comfortably on Noah's bed.  Once we got Avery in the house, Bella came out to check him out, remembering quickly and easily how to work the "automatic feeder" (Avery), then making herself busy inspecting all the grocery bags.  Once I had everything put away, I realized I was missing a few things.  I went through the receipt to make sure I'd actually paid for the items (and wasn't just losing my mind....  AGAIN), then told Shawn I'd have to call the store and hope they'd work with me; I'd paid for the items, but still couldn't find them.  We searched the car, the garage, the fridge in the garage--nothing.  I turned to follow the boys out the back door and tripped over the box of bunny snacks I was missing.  Huh?  Then I spied a grocery bag...  with the rest of the missing groceries in it.  WHAT ON EARTH?!  And then I saw Bella, doing her best to blend in with the furniture.

I laughed as I told my friend about her dog burglar.  Nothing had been eaten or chewed, although there were a few teeth marks in the bunny snack box.  It's amusing to me because we're not used to this kind of dog behavior.  Gretta is a canine vacuum cleaner, but only if the food is offered to her or left unattended.  She doesn't take food from Avery's hands, dig through the trash or sneak off with grocery bags full of food.  My friend was a bit horrified with her dog's behavior, but we had a good laugh about it.  No one was hurt, nothing was eaten and in the end, I found all the groceries I thought I was missing before I called the grocery store!


  1. So glad you found the missing groceries, and the culprit, before you called the store! That is a great story! :)

  2. We had another 4 legged visitor this weekend--my "great niece," Dot. It seems this doggie likes stuffed animals... So we spent most of the weekend chasing her down to retrieve Avery's stuffed puppy from her!


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