Tuesday, September 27, 2011

An Ode to Daycare

When Noah was born, and for the first few years, I didn't let him out of my sight.  Even when I went back to teaching, I left him with a friend or her mom.  It ended up being to both our detriment and I've learned from our experiences.

With Avery, I have embraced his once-a-week trip to daycare.  And Avery, in turn, embraces it also.

Avery's daycare teachers are a blessing to us, to our whole family.  It is small, operated out of a church and Christian-centered.  I happened to have gone to high school with the director; when word got around that I was in need of child care for Avery so I could go back to "work" at the center, she offered him a place with her center.  Whew, problem solved!  I didn't have to turn my 1 year old over to strangers or a daycare-mill.  I knew he would be safe, well-loved and well cared for with my high school classmate and her teachers.

Avery loves his daycare and I believe he needs it.  He thinks it's playtime and even better, he gets a break from Mommy.  When we pull into the parking lot, he starts shouting the name of his daycare and "Yay!  I'm here!  I'm here!"  If I take too long getting him out of the car once we're parked, he tells me to hurry up.  He races up 21 steps (counting them all) as fast as his little legs will carry him, clutching his lunch box and singing.  When he arrives at the check-in table, he spreads his arms wide and proudly announces, "I'M HEEEEERE!"  When I return for him, he greets with me with a hug, a smile and tells me, "I had fun, Mommy!"

I also need this time away Avery.  It gives me the break I need and the time I need to do what God calls me to do at the center.  I need this time to regroup as a person, a Believer and as a mom.

Daycare is a bright spot in our lives.  I have peace of mind knowing I have left my child with people I trust, so I don't worry about him (as much!) while I am helping my friends at the center minister to others.  I leave Avery there knowing the care he receives is close enough to what I'd give him at home.  I know he is loved, cared for and about, and is learning not just what his teachers are giving him from the curriculum, but how to share and get along with others and that Mommy always comes back.  I know Avery is safe and gets the attention he d eserves and needs.  When Avery and I leave together in the afternoons, I have a good feeling in my heart. I am grateful for his 3 hours at daycare each week.  My son is blessed by this director and her teachers.  And so am I.


The following post was written by one of Avery's daycare teachers.  I hope you will take the time to read it.  As Noah's mom, it brought tears for me and I hope it will reach you, also.  My mentor constantly reminds me that "these kids" are perfect because GOD created them.  It is us--society--who views them as imperfect.  I love this teacher's change of heart, revelation and open-mindedness.  Personally, I think anyone who is going to work with children with special needs should read this particular post.  Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Hooray for daycare! Congrats. I am so happy for all of you! :)


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