Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Joy and My Heart

My greatest reward will be in Heaven, but my earthly rewards are right here.  Their names are Avery and Noah.  They are anything but perfect, but they are amazing just the same.  These two little boys bring great joy and happiness to my heart, as well as purpose to my life.  And on days like today, I need them; I need my children.  I need to be as close to them as possible.  I need to see their good health and their happiness, for which I am grateful.  I need to see their smiles and hear their laughter.  I need to feel their hands in mine and enjoy having their arms being wrapped around my waist and my leg.  I need to revel in Avery running to me while happily shrieking, "MOMMMMEEEEE!", arms outstretched for me to swoop him up and swing him around.  I need to hold them a little longer and a little tighter.  On days like to day, I need to delight in my children, their love and everything they bless me with, remembering they are the biggest gifts I will ever receive.

Thank you, Jesus.  I love these two beautiful boys.

 " Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."  James 1:17

1 comment:

  1. BEAUTIFUL! A fantastic reminder for all of us. No matter what kind of day it is, our little ones need and deserve our love, and our Savior deserves our thanks. Well said!


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