Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To God Be the Glory

This one starts out very much unlike my title, but hang in there with me, I do have a point I eventually get to!!  :)

Today's been a long, hot day.  Shawn, my conspiracy-theorist husband whom I love dearly, has jokingly told everyone we are "going off the grid."  The truth is that he refuses to turn the AC back on.  It's September now, fall has officially arrived according to the calendar, so we no longer need our AC.  I beg to differ.

If you're taking notes, that's Complaint #1.

Avery woke up 5 times last night, screaming for me each time.  I caught puke in my hands, Noah was still having difficulty with long division, we missed Avery's playgroup (due to the puke in my hands) and I was feeling a little pressured with everything I needed to accomplish today:  baking for Sweet Niece before another surgery, filling a baking order for a friend, baking for our dear librarians and for the young man who rescued us the other day when the battery died while we were out.  I wanted to make sure Noah made it to the Library of Congress exhibit in the next county and I needed to do some shopping for "work" for tomorrow.  I was also in charge of two extra boys later in the day, had baking and prep work to do for "work" tomorrow, plus dinner.  My car battery died again while I was picking one of my extra boys up from school, the house is too hot--you get the idea.  I finally patted myself on the back when everything was completed and I could sit down for a minute....  Only to realize I'd forgotten about the laundry that still needed to be doing.  My hands hurt so much I couldn't turn a screwdriver to change the batteries in one of Avery's toys and my back was in such bad shape I couldn't stand up straight.  I finally decided to take my night-night pills extra early, along with two Vicodin for my pain.  I won't even go into the temper tantrum I had at lunch time when everyone fixed their lunches and didn't ask if I wanted anything, even though every single day I make sure they have lunch, snack and dinner before I do.  Their actions hurt and left me feeling taken for granted.  Oh, and Shawn worked from home today.

Those are Complaints #2-100.

My mom sent an email today to tell me that she's been sharing my blogs, particularly my last entry, with people who either need lifting up or need a good laugh.  People like me who have accepted our lots in life and decided to be thankful for the good things instead of concentrating on the negative.  My first thought was, "Great.  Does that mean I always have to be positive and upbeat?!"  No pressure, right???  My dear readers, you of all people know that I am not an optimist by nature.  As I've told you before, my Starbucks cup is usually half empty.  I am anything but positive and upbeat.  I was thinking it was probably a good thing I hadn't planned on posting today!  Oops.

However, with that on my mind, I started thinking, "How can I turn this day around?  How can I make something positive out of how I feel today?"  

Steven Curtis Chapman has a new song out called "Do Everything" that has been giving me some real food for thought.  I often find myself smiling, singing along and tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.  I also find myself in prayer when I hear this song, "Lord, help me to serve you in everything I do, right down to changing diapers."  Funny how SCC knows exactly what is on my mind!  Here is the first verse and part of the chorus, which is what speaks to me the most:

You’re picking up toys on the living room floor
for the 15th time today
Matching up socks and sweeping up lost
Cheerios that got away
You put a baby on your hip and color on your lips
and head out the door
And while I may not know you I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes does it matter at all
Well let me remind you it all matters just as long as you

Do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you
Cause He made you to do
Every little thing that you do to bring a smile to His face
And tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do

So, there you have it:  how I turned my day around and made something positive out it.  I'm doing it all for His glory.  God gave me this life, these children, my husband (even when he works from home), this body that fails me at times, my dear friends and Sweet Niece....  And the AC.  I love the looks on the faces of my extra boys when I serve them homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk after school: The look that says, "I could get used to this!" I love their mom dearly, but the only reason she has a kitchen is because it came with her house.  I love it when the librarians, who are always so good to us and so patient with my loud toddler and my inquisitive ten year old, smile when we give them a platter of goodies.  I love spoiling Sweet Niece and leaving goodies on her front porch. These are the things that give me joy.  These are part of the blessings I have been granted in this life.  I need to remember to serve with joy in my heart, with the loving heart of a servant, with gratefulness in my words, even when it's difficult to do so.  The days I don't feel up to it are the days I need to do this the most.  

And, I need to remember to laugh when I find that my husband has added his own opinion to the title of the book I'm reading for our MOPS Bible study....


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