Monday, February 27, 2012

Avery's World

Avery is very much right in the middle of being two.  We are here to serve him, entertain him, clean up after him, and least of all (in his opinion), teach him.  His world revolves around HIM.  We get such a kick out of the things he says (most of the time), which is why Shawn and I woke up laughing at 6 am Sunday morning.

We heard his crib bump against the wall we share, sounding the inevitable bounce that means our youngest is awake and ready to go.  Then we heard him call out to us.  Usually it's something like, "Daddd-eeee!  I'm up!  You come get me now!"  or "I'm stuck in here! Come get me out!"

What we heard instead has kept us cracking up ever since:  "I want my hot coffee now!  Bring my hot coffee!  I'm ready for my hot coffee!"

What, does he think this is a bed and breakfast????  It certainly isn't The Ritz!  I'm surprised he didn't demand a scone and a newspaper, also!


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