Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"This Make Your Heart Feel Better, Mommy!"

Today was a long day for me emotionally.  I won't go into all of it, just take my word for it.  I've been teary since a phone call this morning, then it built on other things throughout the day.  I've been angry and sad, then sad and angry.  When I got home this afternoon, barely able to function and think, I started to tell Shawn about it and broke into sobs.  Avery climbed into my lap, took my face in his little hands and said, "Mommy, you crying?"  I told him that yes, Mommy is crying, but it's okay because it helps Mommy feel better, that Mommy's heart is hurting a lot.  My precious little boy took one of the freezer packs he'd been carrying around and placed it over my chest, saying, "This make your heart feel better, Mommy!"  He planted a kiss on my lips, wrapped his little arms around my neck, and with that, was off and running.

Yes, Avery.  That makes Mommy's heart feel so much better.  How could it not?  Oh, little boy, I love you so very much.  You are amazing and I am so blessed by you.  Thank you for the gift you are to me.

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