Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sharing a Good Laugh

As most of you already know, I've been struggling with the meaning of my life and my role in this world over the past several months.  There are times I've felt pretty deflated, unsure of my path and unfulfilled.

Even though raising my children is seldom boring, it does quite often feel that my life is similar to the movie Groundhog Day, or that I'm following the directions on my shampoo bottle:  lather, rinse, repeat.  While I am able to find pleasure in the simple things like providing healthy meals for my family and making sure the house is clean for them, I take pride in what I can accomplish in the luxury of being a SAHM, and, of course, I take so much joy in Avery's giggles and Noah's deep thoughts, but there are days the Boredom Factor has me feeling as though I'm spinning my wheels!  Now, I should be careful what I wish for....  This could end up being a day the boys have coordinated to 'tag team' me!

So, when I saw this cartoon in Sunday's paper, I literally laughed out loud.  It's amazing when art imitates life, or maybe it's vice versa, I'm not sure.

Shawn's reaction also had me laughing:  He hung his head and said, "Crap.  I'm Hagar, the idiot, oblivious husband, aren't I?"  Yes dear, but I still love you anyway.

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