Saturday, April 16, 2016

I See You, and Thank You

When I introduced myself to someone this morning, he asked me what I do.  "I'm just a stay at home mom."  Most people reply with some version of "Wow, I'm sorry," or "Oh."  This gentleman thanked me.  He acknowledged that I probably work harder than anyone else in the room. Then he thanked me for what I've chosen to do for my children, and what I'm contributing to our world.

So, I want to thank all of you today.  Thank you, all of you moms and dads.  I SEE YOU.  I know how hard you work.  I know it's not easy, but I know we would all agree it's worth it.  When you're schlepping through vomit, doing the 49th load of laundry because somehow, mysteriously, child #2's undies didn't make it into the first 48 loads, chauffeuring your taxi cab through the drive thru on your way to the next activity; your late nights and early mornings, your crazy days and lazy days--you're worth it, and your children are worth it.  I see you.  Your work is hard, and it is worthy.  You, as YOU, add value to our world, but you, through your work with your children, are adding so much value too.

Keep soaking up those hugs and kisses and snuggles.  Keep doing the hard drudge work.  Keep being the good mom and dad you are.

I see you.  Thank you.

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