Monday, April 18, 2016

Those Shoes Were Made For Throwing Away

Marriage is funny sometimes.  As husbands and wives, we take on many roles in each other's lives.

One of my roles as Shawn's wife is making sure he has nice clothes for work.  He hates shopping quite possibly more than he hates butternut squash, so I do that for him.  Just between you and me, he doesn't have much fashion sense, either.  I also routinely go through his closet, weeding out the too-old stuff, the hole-y stuff, the stuff I wonder why I ever bought in the first place.

Sometimes he notices when things are removed or replaced, and sometimes I hear him yell, "HONEY!  Where is my SUPER SUIT,"   a la The Incredibles.  He thinks he's funny.

A few weeks ago I noticed some major wear and tear on his old dress shoes, which quite possibly outdated Noah.  I replaced them, hoping he wouldn't notice.  Oh, he noticed.  Knowing my husband as I do, I did not just merely throw the old ones away in our trash can.  No, he would've gone diving for them.  I'm not kidding.  Instead, I took the old ones out on my errands with me that day and threw them away in different dumpsters around town.  I'm not kidding.  They were far beyond donatable, and if I'd had the forethought, I might've cut them in different pieces before throwing them away.

Needless to say, I have not lived this down.  His co-workers have had a good laugh, after noticing his stocking-ed feet in the comfort of his office. The kids have jokingly hid the clothing and shoes which they hold dear, and I've found little notes attached to other things, "Please don't throw me away in the PetsMart dumpster!"  But, as Shawn puts on his new shoes each morning, good-naturedly grumbling about meddling wives and old, comfortable shoes, I'm glad he knows I love him.

That's marriage, and that's love.

Watch out bub, those boots are next.....

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