Monday, April 11, 2016

I'm Sorry (A Letter to the Forgotten Ones)

Dearest Child,
I'm so sorry for what you were put through, for how you suffered.  I'm sorry.  My apology is empty and rings hollow.  It is too little, too late.  My apology is not what you needed, but it is all I can offer.  If I had known you, I promise you that I would've done more to help you.  Instead, you died and suffered alone, never knowing the love a child should know from his mommy.  You were hurt, ridiculed, laughed at, neglected, abused, humiliated, starved, and ruined by the very hands that should have loved you and protected you.  I'm sorry no one ever stood up for you and protected you, I'm sorry you fell through the cracks.  The system failed you.  I'm sorry.

You are the reason I read the news when others warn me not to.  Your story deserves to be heard.  You deserve to have your name said with love.  Your soul deserves prayer, and your tragedy deserves tears shed.  You deserved so much more in life, and I'm sorry this is all I can give you now.

You are one of the reasons my own children get extra hugs, the reason I hold them a little closer and a little longer.  As if, somehow, but loving them more, I can reset the deficit created by what you lost.  I know that's not possible, but that is still my thought process.  My promise to my own children, that I will protect them, love them and provide for them, that they will always know security and safety.

You are one of the reasons I pray for the other forgotten children.  I pray they will not fall through the cracks, I pray mightily for them, that they will have someone stand beside them, stand up for them and say NO MORE.  I pray that blind eyes will not be turned, justice will be served, and hope restored.

You, dear child, deserved the best out of life.  Instead, you were handed the worst.  My head echoes with what your last moments must have been like, my imagination going to dark places I wouldn't wish on anyone.  My last prayer for you, my knowledge for you, is that you now rest with the Father--a Father who loves you more than you could ever possibly fathom.  I will not forget you, I will remember your name, and I will love in your precious memory.

Rest easy now, Love.

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