Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rainbows in the Midst of the Rainstorms

Desperate times have called for desperate measures, so I have resorted to slurping A&W dessert topping with canned whipped cream from a spoon....  Noah is covered in poison ivy and finally had the "Why me?" meltdown I've been waiting for, Avery smashed his finger (3 x-rays later, it's not broken) in the porch swing....  But all of that is another post or two.  I'm determined to stay positive with this one!  I have good news to report, a few rainbows in the midst of all of our rainstorms.  Yay!
I know I've done a lot of whining and complaining lately and I apologize for that.  2011 has been difficult and I'm waiting for it to ease up (can anyone tell me when that will be, please?!).

My dear niece's exploratory surgery went much better than expected.  I was able to be with her and I've been able to take care of her afterward, too.  Praise God, she does not have endometriosis, her pain will be easily solved and if she wants, when she's ready, she can still make me into a Great Mamie, haha!  :)  All she wanted yesterday after her surgery were chocolate chip cookies and because I can cook and bake everything but those (somehow I always mange to mess them up), Shawn made them for her.  I made dinner for her and her housemates tonight and Shawn delivered that, then walked her dog.  I'm so glad she lives as close as she does so I have a chance to do these things for her.  At the tender age of 21, she's always been the caretaker in her family, raising herself and her 4 younger siblings and taking care of her parents.  It's nice to be able to take care of her for a change.

I connected with a wonderful family last night.  It was my intention to help them, but I think they ended up helping me.  They recently lost their middle son, so we took a meal to them.  They are a fellow Scouting family and we made a few connections.  The mother thinks her youngest, a new Eagle, might be interested in mentoring Noah.  I'm praying this is so!  I think it would be great for my son.  I felt led to this family, as I didn't know them before their son's death, so I can only believe this is a "God thing."  The family is doing well, as they said, by the grace of God.  They are wonderful people and it was such a blessing to meet them.

My cousin and her husband finally have official custody of the two little ones they have been fostering!  This is a wonderful situation for all of them.  My cousin is unable to have children, but is a great mom.  She loves these two children and they've been doing so well with her.  Both children are making remarkable improvements, growing like weeds and HAPPY!  My cousin is also HAPPY!
The past two days I've come home to my Mother's Day present:  A CLEAN HOME!!!  A few weeks ago, Shawn asked what I wanted for Mother's Day.  I told him I wanted the house professionally cleaned, so we found someone to do it for an extremely affordable price.  I'm thrilled with the results!  So thrilled that I sat in my clean, almost unrecognizable bathroom for several minutes, just taking it all in!  I may have paid for this clean house, but the woman who cleaned it for me has no idea what a gift she has given me!

Today, the rainy skies parted and the sun came out for a bit.  It was wonderful to see blue sky and the sun!

Back to left field in the morning....  Thank goodness for A&W syrup and canned whipped cream!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for rainbows that remind us that He is there, even when our storms seem bigger than we can handle. I am glad you can see the good, positive and fun amidst the sometimes muckiness of life!


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