Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Whine a Bit, You'll Feel Better

Tonight's post comes from the bathtub (yes, I remembered to put water in it).  Two of the 'left field cats' are perched on the edge of the tub with me.  Knowing me, either the laptop, one of the kitties--or all three--will fall into the tub.  Yes, it's been another one of those days.

The migraine I've been working on for the past few days finally hit this morning.  I also woke up on the wrong side of a flare-up, fearing I was going to have ask Shawn to help me out of bed and wondering how I was going to get through the day.  Not a good way to start the day.  Today was also a work-from-home day for Shawn, and as much as I love my dear husband, and as much as these work-from-home days began as a way to help me out, they are now major stressors for me.  The kids don't understand that Daddy is supposed to be working and things usually go awry.

On to math with Noah, which he was busy resisting.  Household chores, which he was also busy resisting. A fussy toddler who probably had a headache from the head bonks he took yesterday, his lack of a nap yesterday and the fact that he only wanted to eat the "peem" (whipped cream) off his pancake for breakfast.  My body and brain were busy resisting everything else.

Then I had to deal with insurance again and a few other choice people and issues I didn't want to deal with.  I wish people would just do their jobs when they say they are going to do them and do them properly.  It would make my life so much easier.  I've had enough!

When we finally had a chance to settle down, I picked up some Gluten-Free/Casein-Free Living books that a friend of mine had given me.  It's something I've been tossing around for our family due to Noah's AS, some of Avery's behaviors and my own health.  I read one paragraph and it almost described Avery: waking up screaming, aggression, etc.  I read the list of Casein-foods and they are the only foods Noah eats.  How am I supposed to tell my son that he can't eat these foods because they make him sick when the point we've been trying to drive home is that he isn't sick?  If I can make their lives easier by just changing diets, why am I not doing it?  As I watched my sons wolf down the gluten-FULL, casein-FULL pizzas I had slaved away all afternoon and evening to prepare and bake, I burst into tears.  What am I doing to my children?  I've never jumped on the "vaccinations did this to my child" band wagon.  My children are both fully vaccinated.  Both of my children receive antibiotics when they are sick.  Avery gets "chocolate wasted" a little more often than the average 2 year old should.  I allow Noah the occasional drink from Starbucks.   But I worry about what GMOs, non-organic foods and all these additives are doing to my children.  I've decided to take a somewhat pro-active approach.  I'm going to begin keeping food journals for both boys.  If I can prove that the food dyes, gluten, casein and other additives are causing problems for our sons, then I can take further action from there.  Then maybe I can get someone to listen to me and take me seriously.  

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