Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 3,346 of My Captivity

Some of you have called me a saint or an angel for not only raising a child with Asperger's, but also for homeschooling him.  I'm neither of those (trust me on that one!).  I'm simply a mom trying to do (limping along) what's best for her son.  You would be surprised to find out what you are made of too, if  your mettle were tested in the ways mine has been.  Don't cross the Mama Lion.  Roar.
These past three days however, this Mama Lion has seriously considered not just selling her son to the gypsies, but just giving him to them.  I've really thought Asperer's was (still is?) going to beat me.  Going over the highs and lows of the past week with Noah's OT last night (and there have been quite a few highs, thank goodness, or neither one of us would have survived), I kept going back to the past 3 days.  I just don't know what happened.  I repeatedly used the word 'ornery'  to describe to Noah's behavior.  It took him 4 hours to do 20 minutes of vocabulary work on Monday and the day went downhill from there.  It wasn't that he couldn't do the work, it was that he didn't want to.  He was being lazy about it.  He was sassy and nasty. He's been mean to his little brother and just a general poo-poo head (and that is putting things nicely, dear friends).  At some point we should have just called it a day and kicked Noah outside (a luxury of homeschooling, we could have just picked it up the next day), but at that point would he have 'won' and tried that behavior the next day (which he did anyway)?  (By the way, we're on Day 4 of this behavior, I can't scrap a whole week of school)  His OT reflected thoughtfully on all of this, then said, "Well, having been a 10 year old boy myself once..."(Oh dear, here it comes...) "I wonder if this isn't all Asperger's.  Some of it sounds it sounds like 10 year old boy."  Yes, I have been defeated not just by Asperger's, but by pre-adolescence.  Just when I think I have a handle on one thing, another curveball lands in left field.

Hmph.  Back to pacing my cage.


  1. This made me laugh! Don't you love it when people tell you your kid is acting normal, lol. Do you get to lunge at the bars every now and then to scare the tourists :)

  2. I was just getting used to the idea of him not being 'normal' too, darn it! I was finally getting used to throwing back the "My kid has Asperger's, what the heck is wrong is yours?" in defense of my kid when people asked me what's wrong with him and why I can't control him better. Bah, now I have to explain that he's a PRETEEN with Asperger's. GREAT! :)
    (And I think I scare the tourists even without lunging at the bars....)


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