Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'll be honest.  I'm not a fan of co-sleeping.  Our house is very small, so it is necessary that our bedroom be our own little private sanctum.  I co-slept with Noah only because I was a lazy and exhausted breastfeeding mommy.  I realize now that I took a lot of scary chances with his safety.  Noah didn't sleep through the night until long after 12 months, and as a new mom, I didn't know how to enforce it. Avery was easier, colic-less and reflux-less, willing to sleep through the night from the very beginning, so putting him in his crib from the get-go was fine with me.  My bed is MY bed!

So, having Avery's crib in our room here at my mother's house is an adventure, to say the least!  Last year, he didn't like the pack 'n play at all.  We were still breastfeeding, he didn't like the disruption in his schedule and we spent most nights in the rocker in the room we slept in (to avoid co-sleeping!).  This year is going much better.  He goes to bed easily on his own, Shawn and I sneak in later, crawl into bed, not daring to move a muscle.

"NIGHT NIGHT!"  Up pops Avery from his crib, checking to make sure we're really still in the room and haven't abandoned him.

"Good night Avery, we love you!"

"YOU TOO!" he says through his pacifier, then nests back into his blankies, curls up and gets comfy again.  We go through this routine about four times before he finally falls asleep and blessedly, sleeps through the night, peacefully.

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable picture! He has a mischievous twinkle in his eye :)



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