Sunday, March 27, 2011

In Honor of Sunday School Teachers Everywhere

Making the decision to leave Avery, our second miracle baby, with the church nursery was difficult.  Actually, making the decision to leave him anywhere but in our care was difficult!!  Common sense told us he'd be safe, but let's be honest, when it comes to our children, we don't always listen to common sense, do we?

Avery has been in the church nursery for almost a year now.  Even though we've known all along that we made the right decision, today that fact was cemented for us.  We decided to go out for a nice lunch after church.  Halfway through our meal, Avery's Sunday school teacher walked in with her family (hoping to enjoy their lunch, I'm sure!).  Avery spied her and flipped out.  Trying to stand up in his highchair, he started yelling, "HI!  HI!  HI!"and waving to her.  He was a little upset that she wasn't seated directly next to us and even more upset that she didn't hear him.  I promised him that when he finished his lunch we'd take a quick walk over to say hi to his beloved teacher.  We did, she waved to him and said hi, he squealed with delight and everyone was happy!  

We knew it before, but now we KNOW Avery is in good hands, well loved, well cared for and the best part, happy.

And Noah's teachers?  Some other parents with kids "like Noah" in our church have paved the way ahead of us.  Due in part to their education and training, and the love and understanding with which the teachers lead the children, Noah is allowed to be himself.  

Thank you, to all Sunday school teachers, past, present and future, for all the influences you have already had and will have on my children.  May God bless all of you.

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