Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Warrior

We recently had to make an emergency trip north, traveling 13 hours through the night with a restless 10 year old and a screaming 20 month old.  My grandfather has been sick and we got the call that he had taken a turn for the worse.  We grabbed our prayer oil on the way out the door, agreeing on the way up here that Shawn would anoint my grandfather and pray over him when we got to our destination because I wasn't sure I had the strength.

In my last blog, I mentioned that Noah is my hero.  I'd like to reiterate that.  He gave me strength today.  I've heard my son pray before, but this was different.  Today, the Son shined through him.  As a mom, I think this was one of my proudest moments.
We went to visit my grandfather this morning and took our oil with us. We all gathered around Denny (my grandfather)--his son and daughter-in-law, my grandmother, Shawn and Avery, my mother, Noah and myself--preparing to anoint him and pray.  I asked Denny his permission to anoint him and pray, then gave everyone a rundown of what we were doing and invited them to pray with us.  As we prepared to anoint Denny and lay hands, Noah grabbed the oil, made the sign of the cross on Denny's forehead while reciting, "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."  Then my son prayed the most beautiful prayer I've ever heard.  The words just flowed through him from the Holy Spirit. There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Today, a Prayer Warrior was born.

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