Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Article to Share: Autism

A friend shared this article with me today and while Noah does not experience autism to this level (thankfully and gratefully), it was incredibly easy for me to relate to.  Many of the thoughts this other mom has shared have been thought by me, said by me, wished and prayed for by me in relation to Noah.  I appreciate that she points out her son and others with autism are children first, they experience autism second.  She also points out our children were/are God's children before they became ours.  Of course I know that already, but it is still just so profound to me when I stop to really think about it.

Just as this mother has discovered for her son, there is a plan for Noah and Asperger's just happens to be part of it.  There isn't something wrong with Noah, nor is he broken, requiring fixing.  He came just the way God made him.   God has already written Noah's story and He's walked these paths before Noah; now it's up to us to learn how to help Noah navigate them himself to the best of his ability under God's guidance.

I hope you'll read this article and find as much insight as I did.


1 comment:

  1. I loved the part about being God's child first...all else is our lives, our struggles and trials are always second. Once we understand that we really are children of God, somehow we can face all the "seconds" in our lives!


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