Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Me" Day

Excuse me while I brag on my husband for a bit.

We've had another one of those "left -field" weeks.  It was a long one and yesterday I lost my patience very early on with the children.  It felt like every time I tried to regain my parental footing, I was thrown off again.  In reality, I don't think Noah and Avery were really behaving any differently than they usually do; it was more about me and my mood.

Last night before going to bed, Shawn told me that Saturday would be a guaranteed Me Day.  He said he would keep the kids busy all day so I could have a break.  I told him it wasn't really necessary, I just needed a good night's sleep.

This morning I woke up at 8:30 without children in my bed (which is getting to be a rarity) and the door was closed.  Huh?  I stumbled into the hallway and was greeted with a freshly made latte, courtesy of my dear husband.  He quickly informed me that I would not have to answer to "Mom"--or any variation of the word--today.  I also would not have to do the much-needed house cleaning I've been grumbling about.  I was to take my book and go elsewhere.

 Honestly, I'm not quite sure what to do without my family.  I know I should take a break when it's offered, but I wasn't sure what to do or where to go.  Shawn was working hard on the house, enlisting the kids' help.  I told him I'd mop once the vacuuming was finished and received The Look from my husband.  I thought I was the only one allowed to give The Look.  So, I turned around and went outside. I cleaned out the inside of my car.  Wow, the kids has stowed away enough crumbs and leftover food to feed a small army.  Gross.  I came inside to make lunch and found the kids working hard on helping Shawn clean the house.  Well, Noah was helping clean, Avery was helping redistribute the mess.  I started to make lunch and was told to get out of the kitchen.  Shawn took over the lunch-making duties and told me to go relax with my book.  Um, okay.  We had a nice family lunch and then I was reprimanded for putting my own dish in the dishwasher.  Shawn took the boys outside for a bit, then set them up with a movie.  I was ordered back to my room with my book and cats.  The rest of our day went pretty much the same way:  Me offering to help with something and being turned down, Shawn running interference with the boys and taking care of everything else he could think of.

I'm not sure today went the way Shawn had envisioned (we've put the boys to bed early and he's already declared he's not single-parent material), but it was what I needed to recharge.  Shawn and the boys have expressed their love for me through their acts today.  It was more than that for me, though.  Shawn had a small melanoma removed yesterday and I know the things he did today were the last things he felt like doing.  His shoulder is all knotted up from holding it protectively due to the stitches, so he hasn't been himself.  He was uncomfortable and grouchy, yet he made sure I had a Me Day anyway.

I love this guy!

"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."  Ephesians 5:33

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