Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of Fifth Grade.... Sort Of....

Today was supposed to start off with a bang:  It was the first day of our homeschool!  We had a few chores and bunny feeding to take care first thing this morning, so I had hoped to get us started by 10 and finished up by 2 or 3.  All of this is new to us and I really wasn't sure how long to expect Noah's lessons to take.  But because we live in left field, our plans didn't quite work out the way I had hoped.  Nothing ever does around here.....

We started our morning off by taking the annual "back to school" photos.  Noah accused me of being silly because we are homeschooling this year.  I told him back to school is back to school, no matter how (or where) we're doing it, so traditions still apply!

We got started on time, but all of us had forgotten Noah's password to the school screen on his computer.  I'd also managed to forget where I'd written it down.  I finally found it in the notebook I've been keeping of all our homeschooling paperwork (duh) and we were officially on our way!  That is, until we tried to log in to Noah's school account online.  We tried numerous times to log in, but nothing worked.  Oh, we had the wrong site link.  We finally got to the correct site link and still couldn't log in.  Because Shawn had locked this particular screen down to only one site using parental controls and we couldn't get into it from Noah's computer.  At this point, we switched to my laptop so we could get to the correct site.  We finally logged in after several more attempts on my laptop and Noah started his lessons!  Yay, we were finally on our way!  Sort of....  Halfway through his first lesson, the site kicked us off.  We logged in again... and again and again.  At this point, I was beginning to wonder if it was too late to get our money back.  Is it going to be like this every day?  Out of 13 lessons, we made it through 3.  While Noah was working on one of his Bible assignments, he shouted, "This is so easy!  Miss Melissa taught us this!"  Miss Melissa happens to be the totally awesome children's ministry leader at our church. After 3 phone calls to tech support and 2 to the school to ask what I was doing wrong, I found out that no one had been able to log on and stay on the school sites today.  They are hoping to have it fixed by tomorrow....

Instead of continuing to frustrate ourselves, we had lunch, made a trip to the library (after I spent 30 minutes looking for where Avery had hidden my keys this time), then I kicked the kids outside to play on the new playset Shawn built over the weekend while I baked some much needed (kneaded?) stress-relieving bread!

So, I guess tomorrow will be our first official day of fifth grade....  I hope!


  1. You perfectly described life as a mother. :) Hope it goes a little more smoothly on day 2, but boy, oh boy, do I relate!! Oh, and the bread looks fabulous. Can you share the recipe?? :)

  2. Wow, what an adventure! The first day of school should always be memorable, heehee.

    Good luck on the rest of the week :)


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