Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Evolution of a Napping Toddler

It never fails.  I put Avery down for his afternoon nap between 2:30-3 and he wakes up screaming exactly at 4 pm.  I've tried putting him down earlier, but he always wakes up exactly an hour later, screaming as though the devil himself is in his crib.  I wish I knew why.  Sometimes I bring him out to the living room, we snuggle for a few minutes and he's ready to be awake.  Most of the time however, I bring him, his blankies, puppy and an extra pacifier out to the rocker/recliner and he goes back to sleep, nestled safely and securly in my arms.  The other day when I brought him out, I thought he was finished with his nap.  Instead of sprawling out on top of my like he usually does when he goes back to sleep, he rolled onto his tummy and began to snore.  Eventually I was able to sneak out from underneath him.  This time I got a couple pictures of him.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing. Hard. Because...I can so relate! My little guy fell asleep standing up cause he was fighting so hard not to nap. :) Gotta love the little ones! Perfect pics!


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