Thursday, August 11, 2011

Noah's First Job

Recently a "job post" came through on the homeschooling chat group I've joined.  A family was looking for a child to take care of their rabbits for a few days.  I asked Noah if he was interested in applying for the job.  He got a huge smile on his face and jumped at the chance.  He had to answer several interview questions and references were requested, so it's been up to him to contact the necessary people to ask for them (we did some role playing for that!).  I'm really proud of him for going outside of his box with this.  Noah loves animals, but isn't usually open to new ideas, having a tendency to shy away from new experiences.  I was afraid having to answer the questions would be another stumbling block for him.  I did not help him with the answers at all, just typed them out for him!  He proved himself once again to be well spoken, honest and responsible.  We talked about how he needed to be honest, but also needed to "sell" himself and what that means.  I think the promise of being paid was a huge incentive for Noah this time...  Great news:  Noah got the job!  Even if he hadn't been hired, I still would have been proud of him for just taking the chance with a new experience and going through all the necessary motions.  This has been a positive experience for him and he's so very excited!

PS:  We met "the rabbit people" today....  Turns out they um, use the cute little bunnies for meat....  No, I'm not telling Noah that part.  Knowing him, we'd either wake up to find seven bunnies happily hopping around our backyard after he'd walked to their home in the night to 'rescue' them, or I'd hear him flinging cage doors open while crying, "BE FREE, BUNNIES, BE FREE!" at their home.  :)  I love my son; after all, he IS his mother's son!

I wanted to share Noah's email response with you.  I'm quite proud of his answers.  #5 made me cry, but #3 made me laugh!  Enjoy!

Good morning, this is Noah responding.  I am 10 years old and starting 5th grade on Monday.  I love animals!  My mom says I have a way with animals that some other people don't have.  I think animals know I'm nice to them because they like me when they meet me.  I have several people I can ask for references if you want.  I have been taking care of the pets for two families we are friends with and I also volunteer with my mom once a week, so they can help me with giving you references.  My mom is going to type while I tell her what I want to say.

1. Tell us about any experience you've had taking care of others' animals? Your
own animals?
I have 3 cats and one dog.  I feed my dog two scoops in the morning and two scoops at night and I give her her vitamins.  I let her out whenever she needs to go potty.  Her bed is in my room, so that's where she sleeps.   Before my dog got too old, I used to toss the ball for her and she would jump.  Our vet says that hurts her hips too much so now we just race in the backyard.  When we first got her, my dad and I trained her to take her ball outside and bring it back inside and put it in her toy basket by herself.   I refill the automatic feeder for the cats whenever it gets low and I'm in charge of making sure the litter box is clean.  I also play with the cats, love them and cuddle them.  Our dog found one of our cats that we named Wilbur as a newborn kitten in a stump in our backyard.  I helped Mom and our dog raise him and he's now a healthy cat.  Another one of our cats that I named Jethro, followed us home on Halloween night.  The vet told us he was about 5 months old and was a stray.  I helped Mom get him used to our family and introduce him to the other pets.  Our oldest cat is a cat my mom got while she was in college.

Some of our friends went on vacation last week and couldn't take their dog, so she stayed with us.  I was in charge of taking her for walks to go potty, feeding her, putting her in her crate when we left our house (she didn't like that part) and loving her.  She slept on my bed every night.  Other friends of ours are vacation this week and I've been helping my mom take care of their 5 cats, 2 lizards, 2 gerbils and 1 hamster.  I've had to make sure everyone has enough water, enough food and clean the 5 litter boxes.  

One time we had a foster cat named Mickey.  When he first got here, he didn't like anybody and hid under my mom's bed.  His family had to give him up and he missed them very much.  My mom said I was very helpful in getting him used to us.  I would lay on her bed quietly and wait for him to come out.  A few days after he got here, he got on the bed with me and snuggled and purred.  We had to find another home for him after he attacked my mom because my parents were worried he would hurt me or my little brother.

Once a week I go horseback riding.  Last week I learned how to feed the horses and clean their stalls.  I also got to learn how to ride bareback!  I have to brush the horses down before I put the saddle on them and brush the horse down again after I take the saddle off.  Sometimes if it's hot I get to spray the horse down!  My favorite horse is Scarlet.  I have been riding for about 6 months.

2. Describe how hard have you been working lately?
I've been working very hard lately.  I also am in charge of emptying and reloading the dishwasher, help Dad with yard work, taking the trash out and helping out around the house any way I'm asked.  I'm also a top student, receiving high scores on my CAT test and entrance tests for the online homeschooling program I'm using this year.  When I was in private school, I earned citizenship awards.

3. How do you react to being told "no"?
Mom says I push my luck sometimes and pout.  But then I move on and find something I am allowed to do.

4. What do you do when you can't do what your parents tell you to do?
I try it first and if it's too hard for me, I tell them I can't do it and ask for help.

5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do and why?
Finding out that I have Asperger's because that's been really hard for me, my mom and my dad.  But it's also been a good thing because now we know how to help me.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for this job!  --Noah F.

1 comment:

  1. He is a brilliant and lovely young man. (You can tell him I said that!)
    Love, Susan


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