Friday, August 5, 2011

"Mr. Independent"

I had to share these three pictures and the stories behind them just because Avery makes me laugh and smile.  If you haven't already figured it out, I'm quite taken with my boys....  :)

Avery and I had some time to waste this week while Noah was in horse camp every morning, so we made ourselves busy at Wegman's, Super Target and Michael's (needless to say, I haven't shown Shawn the checkbook yet...).  The Target bag had some juice box-like milks in it for Avery, so he insisted on carrying it.  It also held other items, so I'm certain it weighed as much as he does.  He grunted and groaned, hauled it halfway across the parking lot, carrying it with both hands and doing that fast-paced little penguin walk a person does when carrying too big a load. He then collapsed in a frustrated heap in the middled of the parking lot, exhausted and crying.  "Too hebby Mommy!  Hebby!"  Have you ever tried to talk sense into an independent-minded, stubborn two year old who is sitting in the middle of the road?  Doesn't work.  I ended up carrying him so he could carry the bag, still crying and upset with himself.  We had to console each other with a quick trip to Dunkin' Donuts after that.

How can you resist that little face?!
In Michael's, I was able to give Avery a little more freedom.  He didn't want to ride in the cart, so I told him he either had to hold onto the cart or hold hands.  I should have been more specific about which hands he had to hold.  Avery clasped his little hands together and proudly declared, "I hold hands Mommy!"  But you know what?  It worked!  He was such a good little boy, holding his own hands, sticking close to me, not touching anything he shouldn't and listening well to my directions.  We made it through the entire store and bought what we needed (and then some) without a single temper tantrum or other sort of incident.  Whew!

Avery is a little on the jealous side of Noah's riding helmet.  He insists on wearing this little plastic knight's helmet when we go to riding lessons now.  "I wear hemmet too Mommy!"

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