Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Home of the Brave

Like many Americans, I've been very saddened by the recent deaths of our troops who were shot down in their Chinook helicopter.  As a military brat, it hits home.  We were one of the fortunate families who weren't transferred to often, were never transferred overseas, my dad was back from Vietnam long before I was born and retired before the Persian Gulf War.  There was a period of two years while we were stationed in Virginia Beach when we didn't see him often while he was overseas for training and maneuvers, but overall, it wasn't nearly as bad as what some of my friends went through.  My dad did spend time in Vietnam right after my parents were married and he was still there when my sister was born.  Even though that time seemed to take a toll on my dad, I count us as one of the lucky families.

My heart goes out to the families of the men lost in the Chinook attack.  Moms have lots sons, children have lost dads and wives have lost husbands.  Their lives will never be the same.  These men fought for their country and for what they believed in.  They and their families have given the ultimate sacrifice.  To them--and all of our troops who serve stateside and overseas, as well as their families--I'm an extremely grateful mom and American.

I found this article last night while reading the news on CNN.  It's about a little boy who wants his dad to be remembered.  He wants the world to know that he wasn't just a soldier in our military, but he was a dad and a husband, too.  It broke my heart to read this and to know he isn't the only child missing his parent right now.  I hope you will read the article and go on to read his iReport also.  He's speaking volumes with his few words.  Sadly, he is wise before his time.

If you are the praying kind, please keep our soldiers and their families in your prayers.  Their jobs are tough, yet they do them anyway because they believe in them.

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