Monday, August 22, 2011

Night Night, Jesus!

Shawn and I have a nightly bedtime prayer ritual with Avery and Noah.  We pray with Noah, pray over Avery and then anoint both boys with prayer oil.  I can't remember how it all started, but Avery reminds us every night now, "Oil!"

One thing we've added to Avery's routine is to have him say, "Night night Jesus!  Thank you Jesus!  I love you Jesus!"  I know he is only repeating what we're telling him to say right now, but hopefully while we continue this and other things we're doing to teach Avery about God and Jesus, eventually our ritual will mean something to him.

The other night, Avery demanded, "Want some!" and pointed to our little bottle of oil.  Shawn helped Avery put his little finger over the top of the bottle and dip some oil onto his finger.  First, Avery touched his finger to his own forehead, saying, "Night night Jesus!  Tank you Jesus!  Yuv you Jesus!"  Avery then pointed at Shawn's forehead and said, "Here Daddy!" then proceeded to touch Shawn's forehead with his finger and said "Night night Jesus!  Tank you Jesus!  Yuv you Jesus!"  Then Avery pointed to my forehead and went through the routine for me.  Shawn and I said our good nights to our youngest son and left his room with warm hearts and teary eyes.

It looks like our nightly bedtime ritual already means something to Avery...
Thank you, Jesus.  I love you Jesus.

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